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Monday, October 19, 2009

WinCo's grand opening


Welcome Winco !!

Grocery chain WinCo has come to town.  The discount-oriented company is staging grand opening celebrations for stores in West Valley and Midvale today.  The Midvale store is located at 7020 South 700 West and the West Valley store is at 2572 South 5600 West. They open up @ 9:00 a.m.

-10 lb bag of potatoes .68

-Bananas .18 (limit 10 lbs)

Just a few of the deals!!!



I heard from a friend who went to Winco this morning and said it was a madhouse but well worth it!! She filled her cart and it only came to $42 WOW I will be waiting for the crowds to die down a bit, before I attempt with the boys, lol 

Once again I would like to welcome Winco to Utah!!!!