Kid Flix Mix 2009: Saturday, 11/7 for 1 hour, 10am-11:05am at the Sorenson Unity Fitness and Recreation Center, 855 West California Avenue (1300 South), Salt Lake.
The New York International Children's Film Festival presents an assortment of "best of fest" shorts from around the world for kids ages three to eight. Shorts include The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, 7 days of the Week, as well as a variety of others. Go here for more info.
Healthy Taylorsville Health Fair: Event offers health checks (cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, bone density), child fingerprinting kits, K-9 demonstrations, drug awareness, ID theft information, mental health information, parenting help, a rock wall, and opportunities to see a Life flight helicopter. Go here for more info.
Murray Concert Band, Fall Concert: Saturday, 11/7 at 7:30pm at Hillcrest Jr. High, 126 East 5300 South, Murray. Enjoy such favorites as "The William Tell Overture," "Barnum & Bailey's Favorite," and Gustav Holst's "First Suite in E Flat." The Murray Concert Band is a not-for-profit community organization with 50 volunteer musicians who are dedicated to bringing quality band music to the Salt Lake Valley. More info here.
Mothers Without Borders Fund-Raising Boutique: Friday 9:00am-9:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm, Go here for locations. Join us for the 4th annual fund raising boutiques in Lehi and Layton. There will be handmade items from Africa, bowls, nativities, ornaments, fabric, jewelry. Handmade items from local crafters, aprons, home decor, Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations, quilts, baby items, toys, jewelry and even old fashioned sock monkeys Christmas and Thanksgiving décor, vinyl lettering, dolls, jewelry toys, quilts, baby items, home décor accessories aprons, quiet books, and old fashioned sock monkeys.
Ok, so this one isn't really free, but I thought I'd mention it.
If you're planning on going to the Utah Women's Expo today or tomorrow, 11/6-11/7, go here to print a $1 off admission coupon. $2 coupons are also available at a wide variety pf places including Dan's, Macey's, Dick's, Albertson's, Smith's, Robert's Arts & Crafts, Whole Foods, Ream's, and Home Depot. Go here for more info.