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Monday, March 15, 2010

Get $75 worth of Zyrtec for less than $1!


If you suffer from allergies, you might want to take advantage of a couple great offers going on at Rite Aid right now! By splitting transactions and combining two different rebate offers, you can get over $75 worth of Zyrtec for only .96, plus tax!
This deal does require participation in both the Rite Aid Single Check Rebate program and the Allergy Rewards program. They're both free to sign up and it's very easy to submit receipts online! Here's how to do it:
Transaction #1:
Purchase two Zyrtec Liqui-Gels Allergy meds, 24- 30 ct, $18.99 each

Transaction #2:
Purchase two Zyrtec Allergy meds, 24- 30 ct, $18.99 each

Grand OOP total: $45.96 + tax
--Submit for $25 Johnson's & Johnson's SCR #24, valid 2/28- 3/27
--Submit for $20 Rite Aid gift certificate via the Rite Aid Allergy Rewards program here, valid 2/28- 8/28
Final cost: .96 + tax!

Thank you, Utah Deal Diva!