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Monday, October 5, 2009

Family Dollar: FREE Snuggle Dryer Sheets

FREE Snuggle Fabric Softener

I just knew there had to be a way to score some FREE fabric softener with the $3 off Snuggle coupon from today’s RedPlum insert. Sure enough, we can pick some up at Family Dollar!

Snuggle Dryer Sheets (70-ct.), $3
$3/1 Snuggle Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 11-15-09 (RP 10/4/09)
FREE after coupon!

If you prefer a liquid fabric softener:

Snuggle Exhilarations Liquid Fabric Softener (32-load), $3.75
$3/1 Snuggle Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 11-15-09 (RP 10/4/09)
$0.75 after coupon!