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Monday, September 21, 2009

HOT $1 off ANY 1 Haircare Item Coupon! Red Plub


Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Currently has a smokin' HOT coupon available: Save $1 on ANY one Haircare Item (NO brand listed)!
The coupon does show a picture of Neutrogena, but the wording on the coupon does NOT specify any Neutrogena products, so I'm a bit confused. As we all know, the wording on the coupon is what to go by, NOT the picture... so in this situation I would assume we could use the coupon on any haircare item--like it states.

2 New High Value Starkist Coupons!


new coupons available on
Save $0.75 on 1 StarKist Sandwich-Ready Tuna Salad Pouch
This is higher value then the $1/2 coupon in the 9/20RP.
Does anyone know the regular price of these?
Save $1 on any 2 StarKist tuna pouch products
The smallest size StarKist pouches are priced around $0.89 at Walmart, so possibly just $0.39 after the coupon!

**If you don't see the coupons, then try zip code 47140.