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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kraft Promo- Must Read! Important Information!


There are alot of you who are confused about the Albertson's $5 catalina coupons and the mail-in-rebate not printing, some research is being done.

Albertson's and Kraft in trying to figure this out. They are all concerned and are trying to get to the bottom of this!

Albertson's advertised several items as being part of the

Kraft promo that are not on the "official" Kraft rebate list.

Depending on how your store's receipt shows coupons,

the $25 total could be BEFORE or AFTER coupons!

There are 2 versions of the rebate address floating around

and we still don't know which one is correct.

Kraft has said and confirmed that they WILL NOT honor a $20 rebate request if any of the items purchased are non-participating items.
The list below reflects the participating items and sizes. You can also print a copy here. I suggest taking a copy with you and very carefully make sure you get the correct items listed.

Thank you, Utah Deal Diva