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Saturday, July 11, 2009


I am going to start a giveaway box, I thought this would be fun and a great way to spread the tips.I will do this every week starting on Monday and going until Sunday, and announce the winner on Monday!!  I will do a little give away this weekend to get you all started ok Good Luck and I am glad to have you following me!! Thank you!!

To enter the Giveaway, leave me a comment on this post, telling me your favorite summer treat!

Ways to get additional entries:

  1. Become a follower! Current followers, just tell me you follow and that will be fine too!

  2. Email 5 people who live in Utah, telling them about my site! Let them know about the Giveaway so they can enter too!

  3. Do one or more of the following : Tweet about this Giveaway, post about it on your blog, Facebook, or any other social media site you belong to!

Remember to leave a separate comment for each entry you complete!

When leaving a comment, I understand if you don't want to leave your full email address, but in order to avoid confusion, leave your last initial, or something to help me identify you as the winner!