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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Farewell Albertson's...

It’s true….

According to the Press Release this morning, most Albertson's stores in the state of Utah will soon be Associated Foods Stores. You can read more about it here. They haven't released much more information, other than it will happen this Fall.

I'm guessing this means we'll have to say goodbye to our beloved double coupons. Sad.

Right along with that is the announcement that as of August 1st, all Associated foods stores will now accept Internet printable coupons! I'm in the process of obtaining the brand new coupon policy, so stay tuned on that.

We will be seeing several changes over the course of the next few months. Stores will get a variety of improvements done. Prices will drop on certain items and we'll begin seeing the popular Western Family brand of products.

We're going to have to see how this all pans out. I've shopped at several Associated foods stores and I do like them. Their prices are low and I like that they sell a lot of Utah-made products.

I'll update you all with information as I hear it!