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Monday, June 29, 2009

Check out this cool diaper deal…..

shoppingtrip7 here is how my Huggies deal went down. If all goes as the end I will have paid $18.54 for 6 packs of diapers. ($3.09 each...and that INCLUDES tax....MAYBE more to find out why) There are ONLY 5 pictured...that is because one of the rebates is BUY 5 get 1 I will be getting a coupon mailed to me for the FREE pack.'s how this all happened:
2 PACKS of Huggies Diapers - these have to be either Supreme OR Snug & Dry to get the deal.
My total then was just about $23...but I needed to to be over $25 to use the Rite Aid Coupon for $5 off a $25 HERE. So.... I used 2 of the BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Mars Candy Bar Coupons...WHICH ( Brilliant, I know!) Scored me FOUR FREE Candybars because it just so happens that they are on sale right now for BOGO free....(so YES ... you get all FOUR for FREE using only TWO coupons!) PLUS it helped to accomplish my goal of getting over $25.... Then I handed over my coupons and the only important thing here is that you give them the $5/$25 coupon FIRST... then I gave the 2 Mars coupons ... then 2 of the $1.50 off Huggies coupons that you probably have from many places, I used the ones from 6/21 SS insert. Making my total for this transaction $16.53
3 PACKS of Huggies Diapers - FIRST I handed over another $5/$25 RiteAid coupon from HERE then used 3 $1.50 off Huggies Coupons (these were from the Huggies Club we signed up for awhile ago - plus some other inserts that I had) My total was at $34.47 before coupons... it came down to $26.98 after coupons. . . .
So... at this point, I am out of pocket $43.51. I have purchased 5 packs of diapers ... so I will apply for rebate #800 and get a FREE pack of Huggies. Then... I will apply for rebate #61 which will get me a FREE $25 RiteAid gift card because I purchased more than $50 worth of Huggies. I also believe that I will be able to get a $2.00 rebate back on rebate #53...but I will keep you posted on that one (the clerk told me that one wouldn't work... but what do they know, lol!) ... another clerk told me that she thought it would. I am being optimistic and siding with clerk #2...

making my total: $16.51 after $25 Gift Card and $2 rebate =

6 PACKS FOR $2.75 per pack!!

(this is if my $2.00 rebate comes through...if not, I am back at $3.09 each, but whose complaining...not me!)
*also...yes, I realize that I am off a few cents here... don't know where I lost that...but you get the idea.
PLUS RiteAid rebates are SO just go online and type in some info...E-A-S-Y!!
These rebate deals are kind of a bummer because you have to wait for your money

THAN YOU, She Saved