$1.00 off Downy Tide
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$1.50 off Tide Stain release
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Save $5 on a Clorox Toilet Wand
You can find the Clorox Toilet Wand on sale at Walmart for around $10. You can try this product for half the price by using the printable coupon for $5 off one available at the Clorox website

Free Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste
Sign up with Aquafresh to get access to several money saving coupons. In addition to that, you will also be able to get sample of Aquafresh Extreme Toothpaste. The sample will be in the form of a printable coupon for a free trial size tube of Aquafresh Extreme (up to $1.25).
Don’t forget to print off your coupons
Free Hot Beverage from 7-Eleven Stores!

7-Eleven is offering up a FREE 12-oz Hot Beverage with this coupon (it's in PDF format)! You'll get to choose between coffee, cappuccino, hot chocolate and tea. This coupon is valid thru 10/31/09.
You can score a FREE 8x8 20 page photo book from Shutterfly just by following these simple steps:
- Go here and login to your Facebook account.
- After logging in, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you should see banner advertising. Refresh the page until you see the Free photo Book offer from Shutterfly. The first few ads of mine were for Facebook "skins." It took me 3 or 4 times refreshing before the Shutterfly ad came up. Once you see it, click on it and up will pop your unique promotional code to use!
- Open another web page and log in to your Shutterfly account. Click on "My Account" and then "Enter promotional Code." You can then cut and paste that code to save for later use! Offer is valid through November 15, 2009.
Einstein Bros Bagels is offering yet another "Free Bagel Friday" promo! Bring the coupon from Tuesdays paper (10/13) to any SLC area location before 11am on Fridays and you'll receive one FREE bagel! No purchase necessary, Coupon may only be used once per day, per week through 11/27.
The locations at the bottom of the ad list stores from Logan to Provo! Go here to find the one nearest you!
The ad also features several other coupons that don't expire until 12/1/09 including:
- 25% off any purchase, including catering
- 25% off any Bagel bucket
- $2 Tuesdays w/ coupon- $2 bagel, schmear & coffee all for $2
- BOGO stuffed saladwich w/ chicken {two of these}
- FREE Bagel poppers w/ any beverage purchase
Heres a coupon for $1/2 Kraft Naturals shredded cheese. This week, most AFS have a vendor coupon for $1/2 of that same Kraft Natural shredded cheese. See the ad that came in the mail Tuesday!
Use both the manufacturer's coupon and AFS vendor coupon together to get each bag for only .49!
Note that the AFS vendor coupon does say "Limit One Coupon Per Customer." I'm not sure how strict they'll be with this, if we have more than one coupon and simply split it into 2 transactions, etc.