We had a very fun and relaxing camping trip. I will try very hard to get you all caught up to speed.
Last minute coupons from Betty Crocker here
I’m very excited bout this one
Check the main section of the newspaper & you'll find 3 Albertson's double coupons, valid from today, 7/26-7/28!
Page A17 of the Deseret News
Page A6 of the Salt Lake Tribune
Page A4 of the Daily Herald
Page A4 of the Standard Examiner
I was also surprised to find the Red Plum coupon insert! Interesting...
It's a fun program that allows adventurous consumers to be the first to try new products! You'll get coupons for FREE items- how much better can it get?
I have posted about this program before but wanted to let you know that Kraft only accepts new members once in a while and that time period is about to end! Go here to sign up!
40 AA or AAA for $10 each, free shipping on orders of $50 or more or free ship to store, or it is $2 per pack shipping. Anyway ~ you can't beat this deal for batteries.
MAKE SURE to do your shopping through Cashbaq (2%) or Ebates (2%) or Mr.Rebates (2%) (they each give you a $5.oo bonus for joining, and all programs are free)
Once you are logged in to whatever site you choose to use for your cash back, then go to Radio Shack using the store finder. Seach "AA or AAA Enercell" . Stock up ... I hate to pay full price for batteries!

Compact 9 LED Flashlight with Lanyard (Black)
$2.99 after 40% OFF with Coupon Code:MLC24845640P [Exp: 07/28/2009]
Item Number: 248-456-001
You can also do this deal through CASHBAQ for a whopping 3% ... but hey! Your a coupon clipper...so every penny counts!!! (plus! If you are a new Cashbaq member then you will get a $5 joining bonus ... )*To find this item, log into Cashbaq and then use the store finder to go to Meritline...
Walgreens has the Scotch Bubble Mailers on sale for just .39 each! Use the .50 coupon from the 7/26 Red Plum insert to snag these for FREE! Please note that the coupon will most likely beep because it's more then the value of the item. Use this deal scenario below to avoid beeping:
Buy 4 Scotch Bubble Mailers .39 each
Use 3 .50 coupons from the 7/26RP
Final cost .06 total for all 4 mailers!
(Thanks, Cindy!)
**Keep in mind that there is also a $1/2 Scotch Packaging Supply products coupon available in the 5/31RP, so you could use this coupon too!
Here's a great freebie to snag this week at Staples:
Bic Matic Grip Assorted Mechanical Pencils (5 packs) .25 each
Buy 4 for a total of $1
Use the $1/2 Bic Stationary coupon from Coupons.com
Final cost 4 packages for FREE!
Other .25 Bargains:
- Elmer’s Non-Toxic School Glue (4 oz.)
- Staples Manual Pencil Sharpener
- 12-Pack Staples Cap Erasers
- 100-Pack Staples 3″x5″ White Ruled Index Cards
I'm lovin' all these back to school deals!

Roots of Nature has a new sample available! Go on over here to request a FREE sample of the new Strengthening Oil Moisturizer and Reconstructing Deep Treatment Conditioner featuring organic shea butter and green tea!
Ok I hope this will get you started, and I will get on top of it by morning.
Thank you everyone.!!!